Tools & Materials Overview
Recomended Items
The Arduino Starter Kit
The only thing that is recommended to have for the class is an Arduino kit if you want to get started with programming electronics in this course. If you already have one, Great! Otherwise, you should order your kit before week 3 of the course. Beyond the Arduino, you’ll have time to find or purchase any additional materials during class depending on what your unique build requires.

Great for Starting with Arduino Programming with a variety of components.
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Recommended kit contents:
Circuit Connections | Qty |
Breadboard | 1 |
Male-Male Jumper Cables | 40 |
Female-Female jumper cables | 20 |
9V 10cm Battery Connector | 1 |
10K Ohm Resistor | 10 |
330 Ohm Resistor | 10 |
9V Battery | 1 |
DC Power Female Plug Jack Adapter Connector | 1 |
Adapter | 1 |
Arduino | Qty |
Arduino Nano | 1 |
USB Cable | 1 |
Sensors/Input | Qty |
Push Buttons | 2 |
LDR | 1 |
Potentiometer | 1 |
Ultrasonic Distance | 1 |
Actuators/Output | Qty |
Servo Motor | 1 |
L293D Motor Drive | 1 |
Platic BO motor | 2 |
LEDs | 5 |
0.96 inch I2C Display | 1 |
Additional Tools to Consider as You Go
You’ll be able to follow along with the class using just things you find around your home, or you can invest in additional tools and materials. This class is designed so you can construct your builds based on your personal budget and skill level. During class, Vijay will explain how to make decisions about tools and materials for your projects.
For now, take a look at the list below and just get a feel for the possible options. This list isn’t a shopping list! It’s meant to expose you to the range of possibilities, so you have a palette to work from during class. You can refer back to this list during class and pick and choose the tools and materials that make sense for you.
Mechanical Tools

Tape Measure or Ruler

Trigger Clamps
Power Tools

Super Glue
Electrical Components

Additional Sensors
Building Materials

PVC Pipes
Safety Gear

Safety Ear Muff

Safety Glasses