Tools & Material Overview

Tools & Materials Overview

Recomended Items

The Arduino Starter Kit

The only thing that is recommended to have for the class is an Arduino kit if you want to get started with programming electronics in this course. If you already have one, Great! Otherwise, you should order your kit before week 3 of the course. Beyond the Arduino, you’ll have time to find or purchase any additional materials during class depending on what your unique build requires.

Great for Starting with Arduino Programming with a variety of components. 

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Recommended kit contents:

Circuit ConnectionsQty
Male-Male Jumper Cables40
Female-Female jumper cables20
9V 10cm Battery Connector1
10K Ohm Resistor10
330 Ohm Resistor10
9V Battery1
DC Power Female Plug Jack Adapter Connector1
Arduino Nano1
USB Cable1
Push Buttons2
Ultrasonic Distance1
Servo Motor1
L293D Motor Drive1
Platic BO motor2
0.96 inch I2C Display1

Additional Tools to Consider as You Go

You’ll be able to follow along with the class using just things you find around your home, or you can invest in additional tools and materials. This class is designed so you can construct your builds based on your personal budget and skill level. During class, Vijay will explain how to make decisions about tools and materials for your projects.

For now, take a look at the list below and just get a feel for the possible options. This list isn’t a shopping list! It’s meant to expose you to the range of possibilities, so you have a palette to work from during class. You can refer back to this list during class and pick and choose the tools and materials that make sense for you.

Mechanical Tools

A simple hacksaw is helpful for cutting wood and PVC, and a utility blade works well for cardboard and other light materials.


Vijays’s recommendation for beginners who need to cut wood or PVC.

Utility Blade

Useful when working with cardboard, paper, and tape.

Tape Measure or Ruler

Used for measuring materials and components when assembling builds.

Vernier Calipers

Vijays’s recommendation for beginners who need to cut wood or PVC.

Trigger Clamps

Used to hold materials steady when sawing or drilling, in place of a vise.

Power Tools

You can take this class without any power tools, but if you plan on working with wood or PVC, you should probably invest in a drill/driver as well as a set of drill bits. You can use other power tools if you already know how, but they aren’t needed.

Cordless Drill / Driver with Accessories

Power Drill & Bits

Drill Bit Set

Drill Bit Set

Circular Saw

You probably don’t need one for the class.

Soldering Iron

To connect electronics together


Once you have all of your build components, you will need some fasteners to hold them all together. The fasteners you need will depend on the materials you are trying to connect together, but we have included the most common examples below.

Assorted screws and fasteners

If you’re planning on using wood, plastic, etc.

Super Glue

Quick-drying and forms a strong bond, but does not work well for off-angle stress.

Hot Glue Gun and Sticks

Less strong than super glue, but a versatile fastener.

Electrical Tape

Useful when working with electrical components.

PVC Cement

Useful for creating seals if you are using PVC pipes to hold liquid or gas.

Gaffers Tape

Hacking things together

Electrical Components

Your Arduino Starter Kit will include most, if not all, of the electrical components you will need for this class. However, if you want to use more advanced components or require specialty sensors, you may need to buy some extra parts.

Raspberry Pi

A microprocessor similar to Arduino, but more advanced.

Additional Sensors

The Arduino starter kit includes some sensors, but you can also buy additional sets.
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Building Materials

Components to build your projects with. You can get creative with items lying around your home, but you can also follow these suggestions. 

Popsicle Sticks

Useful when prototyping or working on a smaller scale.

PVC Pipes

PVC pipes are plastic-based pipes that are lightweight and cheap, but strong and durable.


Useful for prototyping, and even for some builds. You can use old boxes!


Useful for prototyping, and some builds.

Aluminium Extrusions

A really sturdy metal building system, but expensive.


Springs come in various sizes and stiffnesses.


Pneumatic pistons use compressed air to create motion.

Rubber Bands

Useful for prototyping.

Safety Gear

When you’re working on a build, make sure you always have the protective gear you need to do so safely! This means wearing eye protection when doing anything that might generate flying particles, ear protection when generating loud noises, and masks or respirators when generating dust or anything you don’t want to breathe in.

Safety Ear Muff

Ear protection to wear when using power tools or anything that generates loud noise.

Safety Glasses

Eye protection to be worn when sawing, drilling, or generating particles.

Dust Mask or Respirator

To prevent inhalation of dust or other particles when using power tools.

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